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9 Reasons to Choose Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows are now favoured by builders and by contractors in the business. Aluminium windows have proven to be highly functional, extremely durable, maintenance free and have proven to hold up well in the volatile UK weather. Many builders agree that aluminium windows represent a good long-term investment for residential properties.

Aluminium windows are slightly more expensive than vinyl, but enjoy a decided cost edge on wood and steel windows and a significant advantage over vinyl. Aluminium windows are much more durable than vinyl, and the life of the aluminium product exceeds the initial cost savings in vinyl windows.

Aluminium finishes are sharp and will increase the curb appeal of any residence. The most popular finishes are bronze anodised aluminium and/or clear anodised aluminium but with new powder coating, aluminium window finishes are highly stylised.

These finishes can match those of other aluminium components such as garage doors, awnings and gutters that you may already have with your property.

Read our top 9 reasons to choose aluminium windows this year:

1. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

An Australian study revealed that in the case of an average gas heated home in Melbourne, the use of aluminium double glazed windows delivers CO2E, the equivalent savings of nearly 300 percent required to produce the aluminium frames in just the first year.

The study further revealed that over the life of the building, energy savings outweighed the initial energy input by well more than 100 percent. For homes with electrical heating, or cooling for homes in hot climates, savings ran close to 300 percent.

2. Aesthetically Appealing

In addition to the known durability of aluminium windows, new technology has made them more aesthetically appealing than any other type window. Combining the low maintenance required by aluminium is an added benefit.

3. Powder Coating Finishes

The world is your oyster thanks to powder coating technology advances that allow homeowners to pretty much pick their desired finish from a broad range of possibilities. If you prefer a wood look, try Deco Wood finishes but just about any type finish is now available.

4. Double & Triple Glazed Windows Add Efficiency

Technology has vastly improved the energy efficiency of windows. Today, double and triple glazed windows are preferred and are sure to pay for themselves in the near-term. Because triple glazed windows can have a slight tint, double glazed aluminium windows are generally more popular.

5. Kerf Wood Finishes

For those who prefer a different look, designers have learned to use a kerf wood liner, which is installed prior to sheet rocking, to shield the aluminium frame. However, with the sharp finishes, aluminium windows make a fine presentation.

6. Awnings

Aluminium awning windows have become popular for homes that have heavy exposure to the bright sun or are situated in extremely rainy environments. These awnings have a hinge at the top that allows the homeowner to leave the awning slightly open regardless of the weather.

7. Design Flexibility

If you are customising your window sizes and treatments, aluminium windows are easy to order to customised specifications. Aluminium window finishes can also be customised.

8. Aluminium Windows Are Recyclable

Unlike vinyl windows, aluminium windows are recyclable. Aluminium has one of the highest recycling rates of any metal and is known to be an environmentally sustainable material. Recycling of aluminium requires only five percent of the initial energy consumed to create the window. These inherent qualities separate aluminium windows from other framing materials.

9. Return on Investment

Investing in aluminium windows will increase the value of the residence. The return on investment with aluminium windows is faster and greater than the return on any other windows treatment. Compared to other materials, aluminium windows will outperform and endure without maintenance longer than any other treatment.